Sunday, October 08, 2006

10 year-old hit and run tragedy

Getting home from work on Thursday 5th October proved to be a trial. I sat in my car cursing the traffic, the roadworks and the fact that my usually short 10 minute journey had taken just over an hour. Then I turned onto Saughton Road North and saw a police accident roadblock. "Typical", i thought, someone must have tried jumping the lights and two cars had had a bump, how stupid.
The truth was much, much worse. Quite frankly, it was horrific. Three men, who had been posing as utility workers earlier that day, to gain entry to local houses to burgle, were making their way out of Corstorphine, aware that the police were searching for them. They failed to stop at a red light, at which was a lollipop attendent, instead speeding through to make their escape and in the process, hitting and killing a local 10 Year old boy, Jack Anderson, who was crossing the road.
Aware they had struck someone, these cowards then carried on to dump the car in a local car park and escape on foot.

The story was reported in the local papers, national papers and on BBC online. The RS McColls newsagents, where Jack died, is now a temporary floral tribute. My heart goes out to Jack's mother. I hope the cowardly monsters who snuffed out this boy at the very start of his life have the guts to turn themselves in or are otherwise cought by the authorities.

If anyone in the local community knows these three men, do the right thing, contact the Police.

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